Birth Plan Template

What is a birth plan? A birth plan is a simple document that outlines your preferences for labour, birth, and after the birth of your baby.   It helps your midwives, doctors, and birth partner understand how you would like your delivery to go.   Whether you write it in detail or just note key…

Pregnancy Symptoms – Early Signs

Classic signs and symptoms of pregnancy   Pregnancy symptoms vary for each person, but some common early signs include:   – Missed period   – Fatigue   – Raised basal body temperature   – Heightened sense of smell   – Tender, swollen breasts   – Spotting (implantation bleeding)   – Changes in cervical mucus  …

Signs Your Labour Has Begun

Labour is an exciting and sometimes uncertain time for expecting parents.   Knowing the signs that labour has started can help you feel prepared and confident as you get ready to meet your baby. What is Labour? Labour is the process by which your baby is born. It involves contractions of the uterus, dilation of…

Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is common and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that affects daily activities.   It is often referred to as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD).   This guide will help you understand the symptoms, treatments, and ways to manage pelvic pain during pregnancy. What Are…

What pregnancy vitamins should I take?

During pregnancy, your body requires additional nutrients to support both your health and the development of your baby. Taking the right pregnancy vitamins ensures you meet these needs, even if your diet is not always perfect. In this guide, we will explore the essential vitamins you need, why they are important, and how to choose…

Pregnancy Contradictions

Pregnancy contractions are a key sign that labour is approaching. Understanding the different types of contractions, their timing, and when to seek medical attention can help you prepare for the arrival of your baby.   What Are Pregnancy Contradictions? Pregnancy contractions are the tightening and relaxing of the uterus, which helps to prepare your body…

Nutrition and Diet During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a transformative journey that demands special care, particularly in nutrition. A well-balanced diet is crucial to support your health and the development of your baby. At Ultrascan, we believe in empowering mothers-to-be with knowledge to make informed choices about their diet during this important time. What Should Pregnant Women Avoid? To ensure your…

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy brings about many changes in the body, and the symptoms can vary greatly from one individual to another. At Ultrascan, we want to help expecting parents understand the common signs of pregnancy so they know what to expect during this exciting journey. What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy? Pregnancy symptoms are typically caused by…

How To Encourage Your Baby To Walk

You’ve enjoyed the excitement of your baby’s first roll, their first time sitting up and maybe their first crawl, now you eagerly anticipate those super cute and wobbly first steps. Walking is one of the most anticipated milestones by parents and therefore can come with some stress if they perceive their baby to be “behind”…

5 Ideas For Celebrating Halloween With A Toddler

Halloween can sometimes be a scary time for toddlers and young children. Between scary costumes, creepy decorations and loud fireworks, it can leave your little one feeling less than festive. We’ve compiled our best tips for getting the littlest members of the family to enjoy this time of year to the fullest.  Dressing up One…

How To Help A Shy Child

The beginning of the new school year not only brings excitement and new adventures but also anxiety for some kids. If your child has just started school or is trying to get back into the swing of things after the long summer break, you may be finding yourself trying to help them navigate their feelings…

Sleep Tips For Travelling With A Baby

Planning a family holiday is exciting, but you may be feeling anxious about how your little ones will settle away from home and amongst all the excitement. Here are our tips for beating the sleep-related anxiety! Routine The excitement of being away somewhere new can be very disruptive to their sleep routine. It can be…

Top Tips For Potty Training

Potty Training can be an intimidating journey to embark on. Keep in mind that all children follow their own timeline and some will take longer than others to get the hang of it. Be patient and give yourself and your child plenty of grace.  What age is a baby ready to potty train? Most children…

Tips For Buying Secondhand Baby Items

The expense of preparing for a new baby can leave many new parents feeling anxious. Buying pre-loved items is one way that prospective parents can save big. It’s also friendlier to the environment! However, there are important rules to keep in mind to ensure your new-to-you items are safe for your baby.  Want to know…

The Importance Of Play For Babies

Babies and toddlers really have the good life. When they’re not being showered with love, carted around in buggies or handed delicious meals, they’re playing with toys. How great it would be to go back to those carefree days! Play is not just a fun way to pass the time, it’s actually the main way…

How To Choose The Right High Chair

If you’re about to embark on your baby’s weaning journey, you’ll be thinking about what high chair will fit your needs perfectly. With so many options to choose from and seemingly endless accessories and add-ons, it can be hard to know what you need. So we’ve compiled a list of things to consider before committing…

Days Out In Dublin With Babies

With nicer weather on the horizon, it’s a great time to think of fun new ways to get the family out and about to enjoy the amazing experiences Ireland has to offer. We can be quick to dismiss ideas of bringing babies and toddlers to new places for fear of their often wild behaviour, plus,…

How To Involve Baby In Mealtimes

Eating together at the table is one of the simplest ways to connect as a family. Research suggests that children who eat at the table with their families are less picky, make healthier food choices and feel more connected to their family members. Family mealtimes also set the stage for open communication throughout your child’s…

How To Encourage Your Baby To Roll

Rolling is an exciting milestone as it’s your baby’s first step towards independent free movement. It’s also one of the first big physical milestones and lays the building blocks for crawling and walking. As with all milestones, babies roll at different ages, but it can be worrying for parents when their baby becomes “late” to…

How To Encourage Your Baby To Crawl

It can be an exciting day when your little one learns to crawl. It marks the end of their total dependence on you and the beginning of their independence. However, if your baby isn’t showing interest in crawling you may find yourself stressing over it. Specific milestones like this can be a source of stress…

Ideas for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is arguably the best day of the year to be Irish. All over the world people are embracing Irish culture and celebrating their own connections to Ireland. Doing special activities to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your kids can give them a great feeling of community and nurture their feeling of belonging…

What Causes Short Naps?

Naptime is a sacred time of day. It’s a precious time when you can actually get things done without interruption. Maybe you work from home and your baby’s naptime is the only time you can have meetings or catch up on work. Or maybe you use that time to relax. Regardless of what you get…

How To Help A Teething Baby

It can be upsetting to watch your baby suffer through the pain and discomfort of teething. Especially when some babies start teething as young as 3 months. Signs that your baby is teething: They have red flushed cheeks They’re dribbling a lot Chewing on their hands Chewing on toys Sore and tender gums Feeling irritable…

Reasons for early waking

Most parents know the dread that comes from hearing little voices calling for you at 5 am raring to start their day. If this happens once in a while you might just accept defeat, get an extra cup of coffee and start your day. However, if this becomes the everyday routine you’ll soon feel the…

Ideas for Baby Memories

Those first days with a newborn are the perfect mixture of chaos and pure love and it’s natural for parents to wonder how to preserve these precious moments for years to come. Taking time to preserve memories now will ensure you can hold onto that warm fuzzy feeling for decades to come! Take so many…

Tips For Returning To Work After Maternity Leave

The day you return to work after Maternity Leave can fill you with dread, regardless of how much you love your job. Towards the end of your Maternity Leave, you may find yourself nervously counting down to that day as you try to cherish the uninterrupted time you have left with your baby. Being well…

Managing Your Baby’s Routine At Christmas

The Christmas season brings lots of fun activities and days spent with family and friends creating memories to last a lifetime. However, if you have young children who thrive on their routine, you may be worried about how the diversion from their daily schedule will affect them. Most children thrive on routine. In a world…

What Is Baby Led Weaning

Baby led weaning is a method of introducing your baby to solid foods by offering them different easy-to-hold foods and allowing them to feed themselves. Traditionally, when a baby is ready to start solids they are spoonfed purees, which can be time-consuming for parents. Baby-led weaning can be great for parents who want to involve…

Baby Stranger Anxiety

Stranger anxiety or “making strange” is the name given to a baby’s nervous behaviour around unfamiliar people. You’ll notice that your baby will cry inconsolably when held by an unfamiliar person and cling to you when others speak to them. This usually begins around 4 – 6 months of age and can continue until they’re…

Baby’s Speech Milestones

Learning to talk is a skill that your baby begins working on before they’re even born. They listen to us from within the womb eventually learning to distinguish their mother’s voice. Once they’re born they’re comforted by the familiarity of their mother’s voice, giving them vital reassurance in those unsettling first days outside the womb.…

Establish Baby’s Sleep Routine

Sleep can be one of the most challenging aspects of having a baby. New parents can lose up to 50 nights worth of sleep during their baby’s first year – so it’s no surprise that new parents are eager to improve their baby’s sleep habits. Establishing a sleep routine for your baby can help you…

How To Know If Baby Gets Enough Breastmilk

It’s natural that breastfeeding mothers sometimes worry that their baby is not getting enough milk. Unlike formula-feeding, there’s no way to know exactly how many ounces your baby is having at each feed. As you progress through your breastfeeding journey you’ll be able to distinguish between feeds where your baby has emptied your breast and…

Breastfeeding Tips For New Mothers

Breastfeeding is natural, but that doesn’t mean it comes naturally. That’s why it’s best to be as informed as possible before embarking on this beautiful yet tricky journey. Here are our best breastfeeding tips for new mothers. Breastfeed right after birth Your baby will usually be really alert just after birth and they are instinctively…

Coping with Labour Pain

Whether you’re aiming for an unmedicated birth or you’re planning to accept every form of relief that your hospital can offer you, it’s helpful to have some methods of relieving your own pain. This will make you feel more confident in your birthing process, armed with the knowledge that you can help yourself in some…

Baby Proofing

Baby proofing is the best way to prevent avoidable accidents and injuries in your home. When your baby starts to crawl, usually around 6-9 months of age, they will have access to lots of new things which appear exciting to them but can be dangerous. We’ve compiled a list of great baby proofing suggestions for…

Gift Ideas For A New Mother

A mother will always remember the thoughtful things people did for her during those hectic newborn days. This gift guide is centred around the new mother and ways you can relieve some of her stress and make her feel a bit special! We hope you find these gift ideas for a new mother helpful! 1.…

How Dads Can Help During Labour

If your partner is pregnant, you may be wondering how you can avoid being useless when it comes to labour and delivery. In reality, you are your partner’s biggest comfort and protector. Nobody can make her feel safer and more reassured than you can. Here are some of the many ways you can support your…

Benefits Of Skin-To-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin is exactly what it sounds like – you and your baby having a cuddle with no clothes or blankets between you. This is sometimes referred to as “kangaroo care” as it resembles how kangaroos look after their newborn young in their pouch until they’re more mature. This practice is especially great during the Fourth…

4 Popular Sleep Training Methods Explained

Sleep training (or sleep teaching) is the name given to different techniques of teaching your baby how to fall asleep without your help. So, if your baby has always needed to be rocked, cuddled or fed to fall asleep, sleep training will teach them that they can fall asleep without anyone’s help (also referred to…

How to Combination Feed

Combination feeding or mixed feeding is when you combine breastmilk and formula to feed your baby. Some people may also refer to giving expressed breastmilk from a bottle for some feeds as combination feeding. Combination feeding offers a middle-ground between exclusively breastfeeding and exclusively formula feeding, giving greater flexibility to families with the added joys…

30 Genius Baby Hacks

Looking after a baby is hard work. Make your life a bit easier with some of our favourite genius baby hacks! If your baby needs to take medicine, simply pierce a hole in the tip of an open-ended soother or use the teat from a bottle. Once your baby starts to suck, administer the medicine…

The Five S’s for Soothing Your Baby

The Five S’s baby sleep strategy was developed by Harvey Karp and features in his bestselling book “The Happiest Baby On The Block”. The strategy was developed specifically to soothe newborns who were crying although all of their physical needs were met. The steps aim to provide your baby with comfort by imitating the sensations…

When and How To Stop Night Feeds

The process of stopping your baby’s nighttime feedings is known as night-weaning. Just like any other type of weaning, it’s a gradual process and the timescale is different for every baby. Generally, breastfed babies can be night-weaned around 6-9 months old and formula-fed babies can night-wean around 4-6 months old. Most babies will have reached…

10 Signs You’re Having A Baby Boy

If you’re trying to guess the gender of your new arrival, you’ve probably heard some old wives’ tales that attempt to shed light on whether you’re carrying a baby boy or girl. In this blog post, we’re going to explore some of the old wives’ tales that point to having a boy. Want to know…

12 Signs You’re Having A Girl

From the moment you see the positive pregnancy test, you start to imagine what this little person will be like. One of the biggest questions will naturally be “will they be a boy or a girl?” and the guessing begins! Depending on whether you’re planning to find out your baby’s gender or not, the guessing…

Baby’s First Bath

Bathing your newborn can be a daunting task. However, with the right technique and plenty of practice, you’ll be a pro in no time! When to give your baby their first bath The World Health Organization recommends that parents wait at least 24 hours before bathing their newborn baby. This is because your baby is…

When and How To Tell Your Child About Your Pregnancy

Finding out you’re going to have another baby is an exciting time for your family. You may be wondering how your child will react to the news of their new little brother or sister. Depending on their age and personality, there’s a neverending list of possible reactions to this news. You know your child best…

Essential Items For A New Baby

Whether you’re a first-time parent or looking to rebuild your toolkit since your last baby, we’ve compiled a list of baby items that every new parent needs. Every family and baby is different, so take the ideas in this list and form your own version. Remember, babies don’t have to cost the earth, you don’t…

How To Relieve Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is the name given to nausea and vomiting experienced during the first trimester of pregnancy. Despite its name, this sickness can affect pregnant women at any time. However, you’re more likely to experience symptoms more strongly in the morning. Morning sickness usually begins around week 5, reaching its peak around week 9 and…

Reasons To Find Out The Gender Of Your Baby

The number of expectant parents finding out their baby’s gender before birth has increased in recent years. We think, with good reason. These are our top reasons for finding out your baby’s gender! Curiosity Simply, just curious. This is enough of a reason! Finding out your baby’s gender can be stigmatised, especially by older generations…

How To Handle Visitors After Having A Baby

The birth of your baby is an incredibly exciting time for everyone around you. Your family, your partner’s family and your friends want to be part of this special time. With the announcement of your baby’s arrival, comes the wave of “when can I visit?” from well-meaning family and friends. The influx of attention and…

11 Ways To Baby-Proof Your Christmas Tree

If you have babies and toddlers, you’ll be very familiar with babyproofing your home. You’ve probably secured your cabinets, cushioned any sharp edges, blocked off the stairs and put your valuables out of reach of little hands. Now, it’s that time of year again when we all start to dream of the festive vibes we’ll…

Trying To Conceive

If you’ve been trying to conceive for a while without success, don’t panic – according to the HSE, 1 in 6 Irish couples will experience difficulty getting pregnant. However, 85% of couples get pregnant within 12 months of trying, and a further 95% will get pregnant within 24 months of trying. In this blog post,…

7 Tips To Enjoy Pregnancy With A Toddler

Many of us do extensive research during our first pregnancy in search of a feeling of “I know what to expect”. Then when you’re pregnant with your second child, you may think “at least I know what to expect this time!”. However, you quickly realise you’re in a completely different ball game which isn’t discussed…

How To Know If You’re Ready For A Baby

Deciding to have children is one of the biggest decisions we’ll make in our lives. You may be at a time in your life when everyone is (rudely) asking “when are you going to have a baby?!”. However, pressure from family or friends should never be allowed to rush you into such a big life…

11 Great Things About Postpartum Life

The Postpartum Period is the name given to the first 6 weeks after your baby’s birth. This can be an incredibly exhausting time as you juggle your baby’s needs with your own recovery after giving birth. However, while it may be difficult, it’s also one of the most special times in your life. Here are…

19 Amazing Things About Being Pregnant

We’re all quick to discuss the difficult aspects of pregnancy such as the seemingly never-ending list of strange things it does to our bodies. However, it’s great to give attention to the many amazing things about being pregnant. The time when it’s a secret At the very beginning, maybe for a brief moment just after…

7 Signs of Labour

If you’re pregnant, chances are you’re thinking a lot about labour. What will labour feel like? What kind of delivery will I have? How will I know when I’m in labour? It’s good to know all of the possible signs of labour you may experience so you can save yourself some stressful guesswork. Remember, every…

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag

Packing your hospital bag can be an exciting way to prepare for the arrival of your baby. It also gives you a feeling of control over your labour and delivery. Being confident that you have everything you need for labour, delivery and the first days with your baby can give you great peace of mind.…

How to Potty Train Your Child

Learning to use the potty and to stop relying on nappies is a big milestone in your child’s development. It’s a time when your child can feel immensely proud of themselves and boost their self-esteem by achieving a goal. However, it can also be a scary and challenging time for them. Something that they’re so…

Sun Safety for Babies

With the summer months approaching, you may be looking forward to picnics, days at the beach or long walks in the park with your family. We want to make the most of the summer with our babies, but in the safest way possible. You might be worrying about the harmful effects of the sun and…

How to Support Your Partner During Pregnancy and Beyond

The arrival of a new baby is a wonderful yet stressful time in a couple’s life. If your partner is pregnant, or just gave birth, you may be wondering what you can do to support them. Often fathers will feel like they’re not sure what their role is in the pregnancy, delivery and postnatal stages…

26 Ways to Save Money When You Have A Baby

With the average Irish baby costing up to €15,000 in their first year of life, you may be looking for ways to save money where you can. We’ve compiled a list of ways that most parents can save money and take some financial strain off this magical time in your life! Go Public Still feeling…

8 Tips For Working From Home With Kids

With the recent Coronavirus outbreak, many of us are finding ourselves in situations we never anticipated. One of the challenging lifestyle changes facing many of us is working from home with our kids. It’s difficult enough to get yourself set up with a makeshift office space at home and adjust to doing your job remotely,…

6 Ways to Boost Immunity While Pregnant

Pregnancy is tough enough on your body without adding illnesses into the mix. Your body is working overtime to ensure that you and the baby are as healthy as possible. During pregnancy, your immune system is tasked with protecting both you and your baby and therefore is under pressure. Thankfully, our immune systems do an…

How to Choose a Baby Name

If you’re an expectant parent you may be fretting about choosing your baby’s name. The stress is amplified by questions such as: “should I have settled on a name by now?”, “How long does it usually take to pick a baby name?” and “should I reveal my baby’s name or keep it secret?”. With over…

4 Things NOT To Say To Someone Trying To Conceive

Many of us will experience difficulty getting pregnant at some point in our lives. In Ireland, around 1 in 6 same-sex couples experience fertility issues, so chances are you or someone you know has experienced problems conceiving. However, the good news is 85% of these couples get pregnant naturally after one year of trying. And…

5 Ways To Help Your Child Get Rid Of Their Pacifier

Pacifier, soother, binky, dummy, whatever you call it, our kids love them. Suckling is a natural instinct for babies as they need to suck to get food. They feel a sense of reassurance when they suck because they know they’re getting fed and they aren’t going to starve. This reassurance, rooted in instinct, then becomes…

Car Safety During Pregnancy

Whether you’re a driver or a passenger, many of us spend time in a vehicle during pregnancy without giving it much thought. However, road collisions are the number one cause of mother and unborn baby fatalities in the world. In the US, it’s estimated that each year 3,000 otherwise healthy pregnancies end in miscarriage due…

What To Do When Your Baby Has A Fever

A fever can be very frightening for a parent. Many parents feel anxious when a high temperature persists and wonder if they should consult their doctor or treat their child at home. Often, a child’s high temperature will return to normal within 3 days without medical treatment. However, it’s important to know when to seek…

Celebrating Baby’s First Christmas

Your baby’s first Christmas is one of the most memorable Christmases you’ll ever have. Celebrating the most wonderful time of the year with your baby for the first time is sure to warm your heart. However, given the fact that your baby has no concept of what Christmas is, you may be wondering how to…

How To Enjoy Christmas While Pregnant

If you’re pregnant this Christmas you may be feeling like you’re missing out on the fun stuff. Usually, Christmas might mean Prosecco, partying and present shopping until you drop. However, now that you’re pregnant, Christmas might feel full of nothing but “I can’t”, “I’m too tired” or “brb, I need to pee”. That’s why we’ve…

Most Popular Baby Names In Ireland

Trying to think of baby names and wondering what are the most popular names in Ireland in 2019? You’re in the right place!  The Central Statistics Office (CSO) have compiled a list of the most popular baby names registered in Ireland in 2018. The CSO pull these statistics annually and measure the changes in order…

Understanding Your Baby’s Cues

Babies have many ways of communicating their needs, many are much more subtle than crying. Most parents are taught to respond to crying and attempt to work out what their baby is crying about. However, crying is a very general signal. It can mean hunger, nappy change, sleepy, bored, over-stimulated, feeling unwell, the list goes…

How To Entertain Your Newborn

Many mothers of young babies report feeling guilty if their baby is awake and not being entertained. However, after a few minutes of trying to entertain your newborn, you may feel yourself running out of material or see your baby’s concentration shift to staring at the wall rather than your performance. Today, we’ll talk about…

Fathers Rights In Ireland

When entering into such a life-changing event as having a child, it’s helpful to be informed about all aspects of parenthood in order to limit unwelcome surprises along the road. In this article, we will explore some options for fathers in regards to their children. In Ireland, unless a couple is married, the father has…

All About Breastfeeding

Getting Started If possible, breastfeed your baby within the first hour of them being born. This takes advantage of their natural alertness when they first come into the world. After this hour, babies usually sleep for a large portion of their first 24 hours of life. This first feed helps your baby establish a good…

The Fourth Trimester

The Fourth Trimester is the name given to the first 3 months of your baby’s life. It begins when they’re born and they transition from their cosy home in your womb to their bright and cold new world. Biologically speaking, human pregnancies are way too short (even though from a mother’s point of view, it’s…

First Days With A Newborn

Whether this is your first baby or your fifth baby, bringing home a newborn baby is an exciting but scary time. When they cry, you stress about how to soothe them. When they don’t cry, you stress about that weird noise they just made which was unlike their other weird noises. This article is all…

Why Get An Early Pregnancy Scan?

At UltraScan, we preform our Early Pregnancy ultrasound scans from 8 weeks gestation. In this scan, we look at how many foetuses and gestational sacs are present, we also confirm your baby’s heartbeat and estimate your due date with impressive accuracy. For this reason, we often refer to these scans as “Dating Scans” as we…

Why Get A 3D/4D Scan?

At UltraScan, our 3D/4D Baby Scans are extremely popular. In our 3D/4D ultrasound scans, our sophisticated machine uses sound waves to take thousands of photos of your little one. These photos are then instantly converted into a real-time video (4D imaging). This technology allows you to watch your baby’s movements, live on the big screen,…

What Is Colic?

Colic is the term given to excessive and frequent crying for no apparent reason. When your baby appears to be completely healthy, however, they are consistently difficult to soothe. It is a very common problem, with 1 in 5 babies affected. It is more common in babies who have had a difficult birth, were premature,…

Baby Sleep Safety

Sleep safety is a scary topic for new parents because it can feel like the “rules” are difficult to pin down. You may have family members who make comments like “don’t worry, sure I slept in a drawer when I was a baby and I’m fine!”. Usually people are just trying to offer reassurance, however,…

Baby’s First Milestones

Baby’s First Milestones Each milestone is an extremely exciting moment. It’s a little feeling of achievement as a parent as you say “Yes! I’m creating a functioning human!”. That’s the fun side. The not-so-fun side is when you feel like your baby “should” have hit a certain milestone by now and become increasingly worried as…

How To Introduce Your Child To Their New Baby Sibling

Earlier this week, we shared a video on our Facebook page, of a little girl meeting her new baby brother and she was not impressed at all. As hilarious as the video is, it’s a real-life glimpse into many parents’ fears about having a new addition in the family. So, we decided to dive into…

Good Sleep During Pregnancy

The Importance of Sleep You may find that you’re struggling to get good quality sleep during your pregnancy. This can be caused by a wide range of things and leave us feeling like a restful night’s sleep is a thing of fairytales. Sleep is extremely important during pregnancy as this is the time when our…

Postnatal Recovery – What You Need To Know

The Recovery Period You’ve probably done a lot of research about pregnancy and labour, but what about postnatal recovery? What happens when the baby arrives and your body takes on the task of returning to normal after such a huge event? Many women admit that they had no idea what to expect from their postnatal…

Maternity Leave In Ireland – Know What You’re Entitled To

Parental Leave in Ireland   In Ireland, we are lucky to have laws which entitle us to time with our new baby. Every mother is entitled to 42 weeks of Maternity Leave, 26 weeks paid and 16 weeks unpaid. Every father is entitled to 2 weeks of paid Paternity Leave, to be taken at any…

7 Early Signs Of Pregnancy

When you know, you know Every mother experiences the beginning of pregnancy differently. Some mothers report being struck down by morning sickness just 1 week after conception, and some mothers just sail through to birth without a single symptom (lucky ducks!). Many women say that they just knew something was different, they just knew they…

First Ever Live Streamed 4D Ultrasound Scan In Ireland

3D/4D Baby Scans – taken to a whole new level   Share The Magic On Wednesday 30th January 2019 we hosted the very first live-streamed 3D/4D baby scan in Ireland or the UK. At UltraScan we are constantly looking for innovations to make our clients say “wow”, which led us to the idea of doing…

Baby Size By Week: Is My Baby a Raspberry or a Lemon?

Goodbye Wine Bottle, Hello Baby Bottle   You’re on the hunt for an Early Pregnancy Scan or “Dating Scan” which means one thing: you just found out recently that you’re pregnant! Congratulations to you and commiserations to your local shopkeeper from whom you buy wine. If this is a planned pregnancy then you might have…

4 Tips For Amazing Ultrasound Pictures

Pregnancy Scan Tips   Preparing for your scan is the best way to increase the likelihood that you’ll get great ultrasound images at your scan. Many women have special rituals they do before a scan, some stranger than others, but different things work for different people. We once heard that a bag of peas on…

Gender Reveal Parties

Gender Reveal Parties: Sharing The Excitement Ah, the Gender Reveal Party, the super cute soiree that’s sure to leave your nanny saying “we never had the likes of this in my day!”. In Ireland, we have grown to love a good Gender Reveal Party over the last few years with over 40% of expectant mothers…