Pregnancy Symptoms – Early Signs

Classic signs and symptoms of pregnancy   Pregnancy symptoms vary for each person, but some common early signs include:   – Missed period   – Fatigue   – Raised basal body temperature   – Heightened sense of smell   – Tender, swollen breasts   – Spotting (implantation bleeding)   – Changes in cervical mucus  …

Coping with Labour Pain

Whether you’re aiming for an unmedicated birth or you’re planning to accept every form of relief that your hospital can offer you, it’s helpful to have some methods of relieving your own pain. This will make you feel more confident in your birthing process, armed with the knowledge that you can help yourself in some…

signs you're having a baby boy

10 Signs You’re Having A Baby Boy

If you’re trying to guess the gender of your new arrival, you’ve probably heard some old wives’ tales that attempt to shed light on whether you’re carrying a baby boy or girl. In this blog post, we’re going to explore some of the old wives’ tales that point to having a boy. Want to know…

signs you're having a girl

12 Signs You’re Having A Girl

From the moment you see the positive pregnancy test, you start to imagine what this little person will be like. One of the biggest questions will naturally be “will they be a boy or a girl?” and the guessing begins! Depending on whether you’re planning to find out your baby’s gender or not, the guessing…

how to write a birth plan

How To Write A Birth Plan

A birth plan is a document that communicates your wishes around labour, delivery and aftercare. It is not mandatory to have a birth plan, just an option. This is a great resource for your midwife to get to know you and what is important to you. It’s important to remember that delivering your baby can…

Essential Items For A New Baby

Essential Items For A New Baby

Whether you’re a first-time parent or looking to rebuild your toolkit since your last baby, we’ve compiled a list of baby items that every new parent needs. Every family and baby is different, so take the ideas in this list and form your own version. Remember, babies don’t have to cost the earth, you don’t…

how to relieve morning sickness

How To Relieve Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is the name given to nausea and vomiting experienced during the first trimester of pregnancy. Despite its name, this sickness can affect pregnant women at any time. However, you’re more likely to experience symptoms more strongly in the morning. Morning sickness usually begins around week 5, reaching its peak around week 9 and…

find out baby's gender

Reasons To Find Out The Gender Of Your Baby

The number of expectant parents finding out their baby’s gender before birth has increased in recent years. We think, with good reason. These are our top reasons for finding out your baby’s gender! Curiosity Simply, just curious. This is enough of a reason! Finding out your baby’s gender can be stigmatised, especially by older generations…

pregnant with toddler

7 Tips To Enjoy Pregnancy With A Toddler

Many of us do extensive research during our first pregnancy in search of a feeling of “I know what to expect”. Then when you’re pregnant with your second child, you may think “at least I know what to expect this time!”. However, you quickly realise you’re in a completely different ball game which isn’t discussed…