the fourth trimester

The Fourth Trimester

The Fourth Trimester is the name given to the first 3 months of your baby’s life. It begins when they’re born and they transition from their cosy home in your womb to their bright and cold new world. Biologically speaking, human pregnancies are way too short (even though from a mother’s point of view, it’s…

newborn asleep

First Days With A Newborn

Whether this is your first baby or your fifth baby, bringing home a newborn baby is an exciting but scary time. When they cry, you stress about how to soothe them. When they don’t cry, you stress about that weird noise they just made which was unlike their other weird noises. This article is all…

early pregnancy scan dublin

Why Get An Early Pregnancy Scan?

At UltraScan, we preform our Early Pregnancy ultrasound scans from 8 weeks gestation. In this scan, we look at how many foetuses and gestational sacs are present, we also confirm your baby’s heartbeat and estimate your due date with impressive accuracy. For this reason, we often refer to these scans as “Dating Scans” as we…

3d baby scan

Why Get A 3D/4D Scan?

At UltraScan, our 3D/4D Baby Scans are extremely popular. In our 3D/4D ultrasound scans, our sophisticated machine uses sound waves to take thousands of photos of your little one. These photos are then instantly converted into a real-time video (4D imaging). This technology allows you to watch your baby’s movements, live on the big screen,…

baby with colic

What Is Colic?

Colic is the term given to excessive and frequent crying for no apparent reason. When your baby appears to be completely healthy, however, they are consistently difficult to soothe. It is a very common problem, with 1 in 5 babies affected. It is more common in babies who have had a difficult birth, were premature,…

baby playing before sleep

Baby Sleep Safety

Sleep safety is a scary topic for new parents because it can feel like the “rules” are difficult to pin down. You may have family members who make comments like “don’t worry, sure I slept in a drawer when I was a baby and I’m fine!”. Usually people are just trying to offer reassurance, however,…

baby's first milestones

Baby’s First Milestones

Baby’s First Milestones Each milestone is an extremely exciting moment. It’s a little feeling of achievement as a parent as you say “Yes! I’m creating a functioning human!”. That’s the fun side. The not-so-fun side is when you feel like your baby “should” have hit a certain milestone by now and become increasingly worried as…

pregnant woman asleep on bed

Good Sleep During Pregnancy

The Importance of Sleep You may find that you’re struggling to get good quality sleep during your pregnancy. This can be caused by a wide range of things and leave us feeling like a restful night’s sleep is a thing of fairytales. Sleep is extremely important during pregnancy as this is the time when our…