Gift Ideas For A New Mother

A mother will always remember the thoughtful things people did for her during those hectic newborn days. This gift guide is centred around the new mother and ways you can relieve some of her stress and make her feel a bit special! We hope you find these gift ideas for a new mother helpful! 1.…

How Dads Can Help During Labour

If your partner is pregnant, you may be wondering how you can avoid being useless when it comes to labour and delivery. In reality, you are your partner’s biggest comfort and protector. Nobody can make her feel safer and more reassured than you can. Here are some of the many ways you can support your…

skin-to-skin contact

Benefits Of Skin-To-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin is exactly what it sounds like – you and your baby having a cuddle with no clothes or blankets between you. This is sometimes referred to as “kangaroo care” as it resembles how kangaroos look after their newborn young in their pouch until they’re more mature. This practice is especially great during the Fourth…

different ways to do sleep training

4 Popular Sleep Training Methods Explained

Sleep training (or sleep teaching) is the name given to different techniques of teaching your baby how to fall asleep without your help. So, if your baby has always needed to be rocked, cuddled or fed to fall asleep, sleep training will teach them that they can fall asleep without anyone’s help (also referred to…

how to combination feed

How to Combination Feed

Combination feeding or mixed feeding is when you combine breastmilk and formula to feed your baby. Some people may also refer to giving expressed breastmilk from a bottle for some feeds as combination feeding. Combination feeding offers a middle-ground between exclusively breastfeeding and exclusively formula feeding, giving greater flexibility to families with the added joys…

best baby hacks

30 Genius Baby Hacks

Looking after a baby is hard work. Make your life a bit easier with some of our favourite genius baby hacks! If your baby needs to take medicine, simply pierce a hole in the tip of an open-ended soother or use the teat from a bottle. Once your baby starts to suck, administer the medicine…

how to soothe your baby

The Five S’s for Soothing Your Baby

The Five S’s baby sleep strategy was developed by Harvey Karp and features in his bestselling book “The Happiest Baby On The Block”. The strategy was developed specifically to soothe newborns who were crying although all of their physical needs were met. The steps aim to provide your baby with comfort by imitating the sensations…

when to stop night feeds

When and How To Stop Night Feeds

The process of stopping your baby’s nighttime feedings is known as night-weaning. Just like any other type of weaning, it’s a gradual process and the timescale is different for every baby. Generally, breastfed babies can be night-weaned around 6-9 months old and formula-fed babies can night-wean around 4-6 months old. Most babies will have reached…

signs you're having a baby boy

10 Signs You’re Having A Baby Boy

If you’re trying to guess the gender of your new arrival, you’ve probably heard some old wives’ tales that attempt to shed light on whether you’re carrying a baby boy or girl. In this blog post, we’re going to explore some of the old wives’ tales that point to having a boy. Want to know…

signs you're having a girl

12 Signs You’re Having A Girl

From the moment you see the positive pregnancy test, you start to imagine what this little person will be like. One of the biggest questions will naturally be “will they be a boy or a girl?” and the guessing begins! Depending on whether you’re planning to find out your baby’s gender or not, the guessing…