What is a Female Pelvic Scan
A pelvic ultrasound is a non-invasive and painless examination of the female reproductive organs such as the uterus, ovaries, adnexae and pelvic floor using sound waves to produce diagnostic images.
An ultrasound probe, a small handheld device that emits high-frequency sound waves, is used to perform this type of scan.
No children are allowed to attend the scan
Why I might need
this scan?
Having a pelvic scan can help to diagnose the following conditions. Common examples are:
- Pelvic Pain
- Lower Abdominal Pain
- Unexplained Bleeding
- Amenorrhea
- Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
- Menstrual Pains
- Bleeding After Menopause
- Ovarian Cysts
- Fibroids
- Endometrial Polyps
- Infertility
- Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
- Urinary Bladder Outlet Obstruction
- Cystitis
- Endometriosis
- Endometritis
- Hydrosalpinx (Fluid Collection Within The Fallopian Tubes)
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
What to expect
during the scan?
For transabdominal pelvic ultrasound scan, it is non-invasive and painless.
You will be asked to lie on your back on the examination couch and expose your lower abdomen. Our highly qualified and experienced Sonographer will move a transducer lubricated with warm ultrasound gel over your lower abdomen to obtain the necessary images. You are welcome to ask questions during your examination. You may bring someone into the examination room with you if you wish.
For transvaginal pelvic ultrasound scan you will be asked to change into an examination gown and lie down on the couch with your two legs apart and supported on a cushion, our sonographer may insert the probe lubricated with an ultrasound gel and covered with a condom or may guide you to insert the probe and then will take over the scanning process whichever you may be more comfortable with. A chaperone will be available if requested at time of booking to assist you and the sonographer all through the examination.
How to
For pelvic ultrasound, you are required to drink at least 1 litre of water 1 hour prior to the scan to ensure you have a full bladder during the scan for greatly enhanced visualisation of the pelvic region.
For Transvaginal pelvic scan no preparation is needed.
What do I get with
this scan?
A radiologist’s written report of the findings will be provided to your referring practitioner, with images where necessary, to demonstrate abnormal findings.