What will I see?

Dublin Early Pregnancy Scans

In this scan, we will confirm your baby’s heartbeat, size and estimate your due date with impressive accuracy.

Depending on which week you have your scan, will depend on what you see as your baby is growing rapidly (approx 1mm per day)!

At eight weeks, your baby will measure about 1.6cm with a heart rate of about 160 beats-per-minute in which case you will be able to make out their head, body and developing limbs.

At nine weeks, your baby is almost fully formed, making it easier to make out their little limbs.
At ten weeks, your baby measures around 3.8cm and you might see them make slight movements.

Baby Scans Dublin | Private Baby Scans Near Me

When can I get an Early
Pregnancy Scan?

Baby Scans Near Me | Pregnancy Scans Near Me

We perform our Early Pregnancy Scan abdominally between 8 and 14 weeks. The earlier this pregnancy scan is done, the more accurate it is at estimating your baby’s due date.

Due Date Estimations made during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are generally within 
3 – 5 days of accuracy.

If you are unsure of your gestational age, click on the Due Date Calculator link below:


What are the

Benefits of our Pregnancy Scans | Baby Scans Near Me

The most accurate time for the due date calculation is between 8 and 11 weeks pregnant.

This is because your baby is growing so quickly that there is a big difference in size from week to week. Also, the baby cannot bend and twist very much yet, so the length of the body is fairly constant.


An Early Pregnancy Scan can be extremely settling in the angst-ridden first weeks of pregnancy.

Expectant parents often seek out our services when they are dissatisfied with the date of their first public hospital scan.
Public maternity hospitals in Ireland can schedule your first scan as late as 21 weeks, meaning you’re more than halfway through your pregnancy by the time you get that reassurance which gives you the confidence to share your news.

What can I expect on
the day?

Baby Scans Near Me | Pregnancy Scans Near Me

When you arrive at UltraScan you will be greeted by one of our amazing receptionists.

Our receptionist will give you a short form to fill out to collect some basic information like your name, contact details and date of birth.

Once your form is complete, your sonographer will call you into the scan room to begin your ultrasound scan which will last approximately 15 minutes.

Our scan rooms are equipped with large medical-grade LED screens to allow you to see your baby’s heartbeat at your scan.

After your scan you can select your favourite scan images from our touchscreen displays and have them printed on our professional-grade photo printer and emailed or sent via Whatsapp to allow you to immediately share with family and friends.

You will be allowed 3 guests per appointment (including children).

What does an Early
Pregnancy Scan include?

Baby Scans Dublin | Private Baby Scans Near Me
  • 2D scan images sent to your WhatsApp or email


  • 5 glossy black & white small scan photo prints


  • 2 scan photos professionally printed in 6”x4”


  • A chance to see your baby’s heartbeat.


  • Check your Due Date




An Early Pregnancy Scan with UltraScan Ireland costs €99. See above for details of what is included in this price.

The Early Pregnancy Scan is recommended from 8 to 14-weeks gestation.

8 weeks gestation is the earliest our abdominal probes can detect a heartbeat.

If clients present to us earlier than the recommended 8 weeks gestation they will require a repeat ultrasound appointment and this can put additional stress and anxiety on our clients at what can be an already stressful time.

Our highly-trained sonographers use ultrasound equipment and a scanning device that is placed on the mother’s stomach. Sound waves are produced by the equipment, then the software translates these sound waves into an image.

Clients should try to arrive 5 minutes before appointments to fill out forms. We are extremely busy and unfortunately, if someone misses their allotted time we will not be able to see them and you will have to rebook a new appointment.

At 8 weeks gestational age we can detect the baby’s heartbeat through a trans-abdominal examination. We can get a 2-dimensional picture of the baby at this stage. 3D ultrasound imaging is not achievable at this stage of pregnancy because the baby is not developed enough yet for the 3D scan to be effective.

The earlier the pregnancy scan is done, the better the accuracy of the due date.

Pregnancy scans performed between 8 and 12-weeks give the most accurate due date estimations.

The estimated due date is usually between 3-5 days of accuracy.

Dating Scans performed after 18 weeks pregnant can be inaccurate by as much as two weeks. This is influenced by how much your baby is able to twist and turn, the more moving your baby is doing – the less accurate the measurements.

With UltraScan you can have your scan images and videos sent to you via Whatsapp or email. This enables you to share them easily and download them for safekeeping.

You will also receive 5 glossy black & white small scan photo prints and your two favourite scan pictures professionally printed in 6”x4” photos.

We are currently allowing 3 guests to attend appointments with each client (including children).

Yes, you can purchase an UltraScan gift voucher by calling us on (01) 429 5710. This makes a great gift for any mother-to-be.

It’s helpful to have a moderately full bladder for an Early Pregnancy Scan. However, keep in mind that the sonographer will need to press your abdomen with the ultrasound transducer, which could be uncomfortable with a very full bladder.

Yes, we will be able to see if you are expecting twins (or triplets, or more!) during your Early Pregnancy Scan. During the scan, we can see how many fetuses you’re carrying, as well as how many placentas and gestational sacs there are.

Our Early Pregnancy Scans are performed in 2D.