Classic signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Pregnancy symptoms vary for each person, but some common early signs include:
– Missed period
– Fatigue
– Raised basal body temperature
– Heightened sense of smell
– Tender, swollen breasts
– Spotting (implantation bleeding)
– Changes in cervical mucus
– Frequent urination
– Mood swings
– Bloating
– Heartburn
– Nausea (morning sickness)
– Food aversions
– Excess saliva
Other signs and symptoms of pregnancy
Additional symptoms that might indicate pregnancy include:
– Light spotting (implantation bleeding)
– Cramping similar to period cramps
– Constipation due to hormonal changes
– Food aversions or unusual cravings
– Increased nasal congestion
Are you really pregnant?

Many pregnancy symptoms can resemble premenstrual symptoms or general health issues.
If you miss a period and experience several of these signs, it might be time to take a pregnancy test.
Pregnancy tests

Home pregnancy tests measure human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine.
This hormone is present as soon as implantation occurs, typically 6-12 days after ovulation.
For the most accurate results, take a pregnancy test after a missed period.
How early do pregnancy symptoms start?
Some symptoms can appear as early as a week after conception, but many start around week 4-6.
What are the first symptoms of pregnancy?
Common early symptoms include a missed period, nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness.
What does early pregnancy feel like?
Many women describe early pregnancy as feeling similar to premenstrual symptoms but with added fatigue and nausea.
When should I take a pregnancy test?
It’s best to take a pregnancy test after a missed period for the most accurate results.
At Ultrascan, we perform our Early Pregnancy Scan abdominally between 8 and 14 weeks.
The earlier this pregnancy scan is done, the more accurate it is at estimating your baby’s due date.
Due Date Estimations made during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are generally within 3 – 5 days of accuracy.